Dr. Ashish Sahu

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Research Focus: Acoustic vibration of motors
Industry Focus: Electrified Traction Systems; Electric Mobility

 Ashish Kumar Sahu received his B.E. in mechanical engineering from the Bhilai Institute of Technology, India, in 2006. In 2008, he received his M.Tech. in mechanical system dynamics and controls from the Indian Institute of Technology, India. He gained two and a half years of experience in durability testing while working at Tata motors, and nine years of experience in structural analysis while working at Mahindra and Mahindra. His main field of expertise is in finite element analysis in the stress and vibration domain. In September of 2020, he joined the McMaster Automotive Resource Center (MARC) at McMaster University, Ontario, as a Ph.D. student. His main interest and research area is the acoustic vibration of switched reluctance motors. 

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Following graduation, Ashish was fortunate enough to join Tata Motors as a graduate trainee. It was here that he worked on the vibrational fatigue and structural durability of automotive components. He also learned the experimental aspects of various fatigue testing instruments and methodologies. As a result, he was better able to establish his expertise in developing lab tests using servo-hydraulic actuators and vibration shaker tables. Not only that, but he was more equipped to build fatigue test rigs, to evaluate the suspensions and axle beams of commercial vehicles.  

After working in the fatigue testing domain for two and a half years, Ashish wanted to move upstream in the design and development process. For this reason, he joined Mahindra and Mahindra as a vehicle durability analyst. This role provided him with a lot more freedom to design automotive components in the initial stages of development. He was responsible for the structural durability of the Body in White, chassis, axle, suspension, and interior & exterior trims. He also worked on two full-scale and multiple facelift projects.

Apart from regular project development activities, Ashish worked on various projects to improve the simulation results. In order to do this, he established a correlation with the static and dynamic physical test results. He has also demonstrated simulation capability to evaluate composite automotive body structures. Over time, he has been able to develop a procedure to carry out multi-disciplinary optimization of automotive body structures. His nine years of work experience as a simulation engineer, resulted in six SAE technical publications. 

In recent years, electric and hybrid vehicles are gaining more popularity than ICE vehicles, for numerous reasons. New drivetrains have new problems, which allows for taking on new challenges. After exploring some diverse aspects of mechanical and automotive engineering, Ashish became interested in working in the acoustic noise and vibration of the electric motor. In his opinion, this is one of the significant issues in the electric drivetrain.

Ashish is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in the same field, under the guidance of Dr. Ali Emadi at the McMaster Automotive Resource Centre (MARC). Additionally,  he is working as a research assistant with Stellnatis Inc. to evaluate the structural integrity of PMSM. 

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