2012-2015 Principal Research Engineer
November 29, 2023: A celebration of McMaster’s dynamic innovation ecosystem
An event at McMaster Innovation Park celebrated the many people who contribute to McMaster’s growing
2012-2015 Principal Research Engineer
An event at McMaster Innovation Park celebrated the many people who contribute to McMaster’s growing
As we move away from fossil fuels, demand for electricity is rising quickly, especially since
On Thursday, June 1, Virtual Reality (VR) Lab IMRSV@MAC, powered by VIROO®, opened their doors
Cubic Transportation Systems and McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, have partnered to form the Centre
Everyone knows research is important, but there’s no affirmation like having the Prime Minister of
An older adult who needs a few extra seconds to cross the street. A recent
The partnership will foster initiatives to facilitate access and promote the adoption of VR in
Our current transportation systems, which still reflect almost total reliance on fossil fuels, are no
An event at McMaster Innovation Park celebrated the many people who contribute to McMaster’s growing
As we move away from fossil fuels, demand for electricity is rising quickly, especially since
On Thursday, June 1, Virtual Reality (VR) Lab IMRSV@MAC, powered by VIROO®, opened their doors
Cubic Transportation Systems and McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, have partnered to form the Centre
Everyone knows research is important, but there’s no affirmation like having the Prime Minister of
An older adult who needs a few extra seconds to cross the street. A recent
The partnership will foster initiatives to facilitate access and promote the adoption of VR in
Our current transportation systems, which still reflect almost total reliance on fossil fuels, are no
Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) Laureate Program
McMaster Automotive Resource Centre (MARC)
200 Longwood Rd South, Unit 207 | Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 0A6 | Canada